> > From: Mateusz Konieczny <matkoni...@tutanota.com>
> > I consider it as an useful information to distinguish permanent
> waterways and waterbodies
> > from nonpernament.

I agree. As a point of reference, the standard 1:25000 topographic maps of
Spain produced by IGN, the national geographic institute, distinguishes
between these two categories of water course. In the legend they are
labelled as "curso de agua: permanente, intermitente". I think that is a
good indication that this is a meaningful distinction. And I believe it is
very similar to how things are already mapped in OSM.

It is fine to give mappers ways to add finer details of seasonality,
ephemerality and so on, but the basic distinction that already exists seems
to be useful in its own right.

As an aside, dictionary definitions of "intermittent" tend to say something
like  "occurring occasionally or at regular or irregular intervals" (example
from Collins) which covers all forms of non-permanence, seasonal or
otherwise. So current OSM usage of the tag, as well as being meaningful and
useful, matches usage in everyday English.
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