Op vr 22 jun. 2018 om 10:10 schreef marc marc <marc_marc_...@hotmail.com>:

> Le 22. 06. 18 à 01:26, Yves a écrit :
> > Why adding 'platform' where there's no physical platform?
> public_transport=platform describe where passagers wait
> for a public transport.
> if there is no dedicated area, use a node outside the road/rail
> near the bus stop or near the railroad stop

Good, we agree thus far. Now if there is a dedicated area, map it as a way
or area and add:

highway=platform for bus stops
railway=platfomr for trams stops

maybe tactile_paving and wheelchair and a height.

BUT keep the node tagged as


There is no need to "UPGRADE" from a node to a way/area. As this is not an
upgrade at all.

We can then use these highway=bus_stop nodes in the route relations and
each stop is represented in the route relations by 1 object. A single
object that has all the details for that stop. Nice and clean.

What I see happening is that a platform way and a stop_position node are
created, details are duplicated (maintenance nightmare)  and both are added
to the route relations.

There are still millions of bus stops that need to be mapped, we want to
have a way of mapping them that is as simple as feasible (without losing
information), but also that doesn't need transformations from nodes to ways
during the lifetime of the stops. A transformation that would also affect
all the route relations, and there are many of those as well, one for each
variation of a line.

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