Le 20. 06. 18 à 19:19, Jo a écrit :
> If v2 of the 'new' scheme means that we have to create 2 objects

You already said that several time in the past but it's still wrong.
You don't HAVE to create 2 objets.
if wou dislike stop_position, don't use it.
you MAY use/create only ONE plateform, that's fine.
but another mapper MAY also use/create a stop_position.
they are 2 different functions (pedestrian <> vehicule routing)

But I still don't understand how your rejection of stop_position
leads you to create 2 objects with *=platform that represents
the same thing.
one "passenger waiting area = 1 plateform in osm",
not 1 node + 1 way + 1 area
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