On Sat, 30 Jun 2018, 14:03 Paul Allen, <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote

> The way to handle navigable channels across lagoons/lakes is covered at
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:route
> (you might have to invent route=boat or route=ship).

I am aware the route relations for, e.g., ferry boats.
What I want to tag are not routes but the water-equivalent of roads. The
ferry-boat route (in the lagoon of Venice) uses the navigation channels
("canali") like a bus line follows roads.
At present (always on the lagoon of Venice) mappers would map each
"vaporetto" (water bus) route as a separate way plus the "canali" as
separate, more or less parallel, ways.
I would think that the roads plus bus route relations model should be
applied also to navigation channels and water-based transport in the,
admittedly, very specific context of the Laguna Di Venetian.
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