There is a relatively simple solution that could satisfy everybody. (Except
maybe the people paying for the storage, but let's say tags are cheap)

For each tag that describes a measurement, add a counterpart tag with the
values converted to SI units, meter, second, km/h (or even m/s, everybody
equally out of their depth), Volt, Ah, Watt, kg.

Then it becomes trivial to compare them, and if you need them in another
unit, you can convert. It also makes it possible to validate the values.

Of course editors like JOSM and iD would help with adding those tags.


Op ma 30 jul. 2018 om 10:24 schreef Mateusz Konieczny <>:

> 30. Lipiec 2018 01:00 od
>  elevations should be with respect to the EGM96 sea level
> Where it is written on Wiki? Nobody is really following that.
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