I think Uber is available to the public. So they should be PSV (assuming they are Uber etc). There are bus parking spaces where bus driver takes a break. Possibly these too are for drivers to take a break? It does need discussion with those that put them there as to what they mean.

One parking thing that is becoming more common - share cars. These parking spots are for 'share cars' that people can use (once they usually become a member and pay an annual fee). They make good sense in places where they is limited parking and people find they usually walk or use public transport, if they own a car they cannot park  it anywhere near their home. I know they exist frequently in Sydney .. about every block in certain areas.  They are not public, but private to members shared cars. Possibly tag access=private, private=share_car? One firm is https://www.goget.com.au/  Humm they say 1,487 of them in Sydney, much less in other places.

 On 21/08/18 08:11, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
I think partially at least it would depend on the usage - are these spaces only available to use when you are using your car as a "taxi", so being parked to pick up passengers, or can you park your VTC there while you go & do the shopping! :-)

If only for use by a "taxi", then I'd be inclined to just leave them as a PSV space, possibly with a description to say that the space is for VTC.



On Tue, 21 Aug 2018 at 07:06, yo paseopor <yopaseo...@gmail.com <mailto:yopaseo...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    These days I am editing Barcelona's harbour. One of the things I
    saw there is some places for VTC car (like taxi but private: Uber,
    Cabify). I will not talk about the Spanish discussion about if
    they have to exist or not, but in Barcelona's harbour we have
    these kind of places of parking (4 or 5 spots). I think they are
    not PSV vehicles (Should it exist PRSV (Private Service
    Vehicles?). I try to find they in the wiki but I don't find it (I
    don't consider they are taxis.
    What do you think?

    Salut i taxi i VTC
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