I'm  trying to imagine a tag with a wider meaning, so I created a table
in which I put the different sports more or less competitive, grouping
them in some way.
For every sport for which there are typical facilities I put the common
names with which these are called.

I think I will go ahead with the proposal for motor sports and I could
easily include those of animals but maybe with different tagging.

Trying to consider also other sports seems very hard:
I think bobsleigh centres deserve an appropriate tagging but I do not
see many similarities with other sports. Maybe it's covered by piste:
type but it does not seem well defined.
There are some facilities such as velodromes that are clearly for
racing but often resemble stadiums, as well as speed skating, which
often also includes a field for other non-racing sports.
Some cycling disciplines have a tracks similar to that for motocross,
others are more free ride but still have a track. I also put skateboard
that is not a competitive sport but you can practice on tracks.

I hope all this helps.


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