Il giorno gio, 23/08/2018 alle 08.59 +0200, Yves ha scritto:
> Lorenzo, I think you're doing it wrong: if you have knowledge about
> motor sport and feel the need to document a tag for those, good.
> Now there is a lot of sports where people 'race' in a wide range of
> facilities. Trying to get a one size fit all tag for everyone of
> them, including those you have no clue about is deemed to fail:
> either it will be inappropriate for corner cases or so general it
> won't be useful at all.
I don't necessarily want to include everything but I think it's fair to
assume a general point of view. 

> Now for motor sports, what is the added value for racing=motor_sport
> when there is sport=karting ? I'd let this to data consumer.

Karting is a sport practiced in rather typical places and it is clear
that if I combine sport=karting even to a not ideal tag like
leisure=sports_centre the mapped feature is a racetrack for go-karts.
But sport = * is a tag subject to unrecognized and multiple values and
it is not always useful to understand what a feature is, if a typical
sports centre where you play tennis or soccer or rather for example a
track for Folkrace, sometimes tagged with sport=folkrace.

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