On 31.08.2018 14:33, Paul Allen wrote:
On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 11:08 PM, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

    What are "non-physical" & "physical" tags?

My interpretation of the wiki is based upon my classification of things.  My brain is a physical object, my thoughts are not.  A grass field with lines marked on it and intended to play sports on is a physical thing we call a "pitch"
whereas a game of football is not a physical thing.  So "pitch" is physical and 
"sport" is not.

While I agree with that, I do not see a need that sport=* is always attached to 
a physical object.
In particular sports that are performed in a natural environment often have no sharp geographical limitations.

Examples are areas in a lake for sport=swimming, or areas with rocks where you 
can sport=climbing.
Unless there is a physical barrier, like a floating line in the lake, you are not limited how far you want to swim, but you would not use the whole lake. Similarly, a geolocation is known for good climbing spots, however you don't want to tag each boulder, or they are hard to map cause GNSS is poor under the trees and the rocks are not visible from aerials for the same reason.

Thus the location is surrounded by the physical object, but the tag is on a separate node, such as a shop in a larger building.


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