
Path 374362033 ( https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/374362033 ) is a
building with no windows in Calle del Fúcar, 28014 Madrid that contains a
phone exchange (originally it was a gigantic relay system for the phones of
the area, now probably replaced with smaller computers and
It is tagged as "building=central office", a non-standard tag.
I wonder if tagging it as "building=industrial" would be better, despite of
the whole neigbourhood being officially classified as "tertiary use"

Or maybe "building=yes" would be just enough. Path 28996211 (
https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/28996211 ) is a similar phone exchange
building, near Delicias, Madrid, enough old to be announced as "phone
booths that way" on the street. It is tagged as "building=yes".

Do you think I should change the tag on 374362033?

José Moya
Tagging mailing list

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