This does not present a problem:

> The first set

Well, as you write yourself, they may be authorized to set own speed
limits, but they need to signpost it.

> The second

So these are the type of regulations I mean with "default speed limits".

> The third law

As Martin Koppenhoefer stated on another discussion branch, this kind of
paragraph in legislation is not specific to the US. All/most
legislations have a sentence like this - it only differs how a breach of
this is persecuted. But well, Martin Koppenhoefer and Colin Smale
already wrote what there is to say about it.

On 19/09/2018 07:15, Mark Wagner wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Sep 2018 20:36:06 +0200
> Tobias Zwick <> wrote:
>> From your anecdote, it seems, an implicit speed limit tagging scheme
>> is even more important in the US than for example in the UK
> In my part of the US, a meaningful implicit speed limit tagging scheme
> is impossible, due to the three sets of laws regarding speed limits.
> The first set is RCW 46.61.405, 46.61.410, 46.61.415, and 46.61.419,
> which give various people the authority to set signed speed limits,
> obedience to which is required by RCW 46.61.050.
> The second is RCW 46.61.400(2), which establishes default speeds of
> 25 MPH on city streets, 50 MPH on county roads, and 60 MPH on state
> highways.  This would seem rather comprehensive, except for:
> The third law: RCW 46.61.400(1).  "No person shall drive a vehicle on a
> highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the
> conditions and having regard to the actual and potential hazards then
> existing."
> As a highway engineer pointed out to me recently, most county roads,
> especially unpaved ones, are designed around a speed limit of
> "reasonable and prudent".  The 50 MPH limit established by RCW
> 46.61.400(2)(b) simply sets a firm upper boundary; it's quite possible
> to get a speeding ticket at a lower speed.
> Sure, you can put a number on any road.  But for most rural roads
> without speed-limit signs, the number is unrelated to how fast you can
> drive on that road.

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