I think these unclear translations come from the fact different languages
make a different split in the world. As an example, in Spanish we have many
different words (bar, mesón, restaurante, cantina, café, cafetería,
chiringuito,  pub/bar de copas, cervecería, bodeguilla, whiskería,
taberna,  txoko, peña) for what english splits into
bar/restaurant/pub/café. Bars are for Spanish language what snow is for
inuit language...

Obviously the Spanish team is not interested in creating new categories as
"amenity:meson: a dirty bar that also serves as cheap restaurant where you
can drop olive kernels and prawn carcasses straight into the ground." or
"amenity:chiringuito: a kiosk in the seashore where cheap food and drink is
served at incredibly expensive prices."
But some users are interested in making these differences.



El vie., 5 oct. 2018 a las 23:52, Imre Samu (<pella.s...@gmail.com>)

> extra:
> Languages - sorted by FREQ of unclear translations :  ( descending )
> *     61 tr
> *     59 he
> *     50 uk
> *     40 da
> *     38 it
> *     36 ro
> *     30 is
> *     29 pl
> *     27 lt
> *     26 ast
> *     25 ca
> *     24 zh-TW
> *     21 no
> *     21 fi
> *     20 vi
> *     20 sl
> *     20 ko
> *     20 gl
> *     20 el
> *     19 lv
> *     18 hr
> *     18 fa
> *     18 ar
> *     16 sv
> *     16 mk
> *     16 et
> *     14 sr
> *     14 sk
> *     14 ru
> *     12 zh-HK
> *     12 zh
> *     12 pt-BR
> *     12 pt
> *     12 es
> *     11 zh-CN
> *     10 nl
> *     10 id
> *     10 de
> *     10 af
> *      8 ta
> *      6 hu
> *      6 eo
> *      4 so
> *      4 ja
> *      4 dv
> *      4 cs
> *      4 bs
> *      2 te
> *      2 ms
> *      2 ckb
> *      2 bn
> *      2 bg
> Imre
> Imre Samu <pella.s...@gmail.com> ezt írta (időpont: 2018. okt. 5., P,
> 23:00):
>> Hi,
>> I have created an experimental QA report about the same/unclear
>> translations.
>> and now about ~450 unclear translations pair detected.
>>  ( same translations AND different osm keys! )
>> if you know any language - please check!    ( discuss in your local osm
>> list! )
>> Current status ( you can edit the "C" column  - if you fixed )
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DNNuPjjnp6oOXLS2Wtrn__NdCtFN7wy7Lvdm7K1bES0/edit?usp=sharing
>> comment:
>> presetKey =  tags0+tags1+tags2 + ... tags4
>> If you want to understand iD Editor presets
>> *  https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/blob/master/data/presets/README.md
>> *
>> https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#translating
>> this is related to: https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/issues/5323
>> Example:
>> hr Fakultetsko zemljište College Grounds amenity/college
>> hr Fakultetsko zemljište University Grounds amenity/university
>> hr Groblje Cemetery landuse/cemetery
>> hr Groblje Graveyard amenity/grave_yard
>> hr Knjižara Book Store shop/books
>> hr Knjižara Stationery Store shop/stationery
>> hr Krojač Tailor shop/tailor
>> hr Krojač Dressmaker craft/dressmaker
>> hr Odmorište Rest Area highway/rest_area
>> hr Odmorište Service Area highway/services
>> hr Travnjak Grassland natural/grassland
>> hr Travnjak Grass landuse/grass
>> hr Uspornik Speed Bump traffic_calming/bump
>> hr Uspornik Speed Hump traffic_calming/hump
>> hr Vinarija Wine Shop shop/wine
>> hr Vinarija Winery craft/winery
>> hr Zgrada fakulteta College Building building/college
>> hr Zgrada fakulteta University Building building/university
>> or
>> it Campo da bocce Bowling Green leisure/pitch/bowls
>> it Campo da bocce Boules/Bocce Court leisure/pitch/boules
>> it Campo da gioco Sport Pitch leisure/pitch
>> it Campo da gioco Recreation Ground landuse/recreation_ground
>> it Capanno Shed building/shed
>> it Capanno Hut building/hut
>> it Cimitero Graveyard amenity/grave_yard
>> it Cimitero Cemetery landuse/cemetery
>> it Dormitorio Dormitory building/dormitory
>> it Dormitorio Homeless Shelter amenity/social_facility/homeless_shelter
>> it Foresta Wood natural/wood
>> it Foresta Forest landuse/forest
>> it Fotografo Photographer craft/photographer
>> it Fotografo Photography Store shop/photo
>> it Garage Garage building/garage
>> it Garage Garages building/garages
>> it Girello Play Roundabout playground/roundabout
>> it Girello Basket Spinner playground/basket_spinner
>> it Lavanderia Dry Cleaner shop/dry_cleaning
>> it Lavanderia Laundry shop/laundry
>> it Negozio Shop shop
>> it Negozio Retail Building building/retail
>> it Negozio di elettronica Electronics Store shop/electronics
>> it Negozio di elettronica Radio/Electronic Component Store
>> shop/radiotechnics
>> it Sartoria Dressmaker craft/dressmaker
>> it Sartoria Tailor shop/tailor
>> it Scivolo Slide playground/slide
>> it Scivolo Water Slide attraction/water_slide
>> it Serra Greenhouse Horticulture landuse/greenhouse_horticulture
>> it Serra Greenhouse building/greenhouse
>> it Stadio Stadium leisure/stadium
>> it Stadio Stadium Building building/stadium
>> it Teleferica Goods Aerialway aerialway/goods
>> it Teleferica Zip Wire playground/zipwire
>> it Tombino Manhole manhole
>> it Tombino Storm Drain manhole/drain
>> it Vivaio Garden Center shop/garden_centre
>> it Vivaio Plant Nursery landuse/plant_nursery
>> Best,
>>  Imre
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