
* Imre Samu <pella.s...@gmail.com> [181006 12:43]:
> the google  sheet is not perfect
> better link for view:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DNNuPjjnp6oOXLS2Wtrn__NdCtFN7wy7Lvdm7K1bES0/edit?usp=sharing

thanks for sharing this. This does highlight not only translation
problems IMHO. While there are some cases like amenity=bank vs.
amenity=bench that could be solved by a more specific word for one or
both in translations (e.g. German "Sitzbank" for bench) there are other
cases that point to tags that are too specialized (e.g. shop=fashion vs.
shop=boutique vs. shop=clothing), differentiate based on a specific
cultural context that does not exist everywhere (e.g. landuse=churchyard
vs. amenity=grave_yard vs. landuse=cemetery), or are simply not well
designed (e.g. natural=wood vs. landuser=forest).
The identical translation for X in a context of amenity=X vs. building=X 
would be not a problem IMHO, as the building tag would be a secondary
tag usually.

( lyx @ osm )

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