First of all, big thanks to all discussants who have pitched ideas and
asked probing questions--I think we are moving toward a more elegant
solution than what I originally proposed.

As of 28 October 2018, one week into the RFC, here is where I think we
are (stay tuned for further developments, film at 11):

    a) consulates are not embassies;
    b) neither embassies nor consulates are amenities;
    c) embassies and consulates are government offices, but there is a
    trend toward thinking office=diplomatic is suboptimal and
    diplomatic=* needs to be elevated to primary tag status;
    d) diplomatic=* would include only [embassy, consulate, other], with
    "other" covering anomalies without status under the VCDR or VCCR
    (e.g., AIT, TECRO, and subnational representations);
    e) further refining of the type of facility would be apparent in the
    name=* tag, obviating the need for additional subtags; and
    f) diplomatic:services:[non-immigrant visas, immigrant visas,
    citizen services]=[yes/no] tags would be desirable.

I have two questions:
1) Should I withdraw the current amenity=consulate proposal and submit a
new one based on the above (no harm to my ego involved; I am not
emotionally tied to the original proposal), or
2) Modify the current proposal to fit the above with an eye to a vote on
or about November 4?

Or is this premature and should I allow discussion on the current
proposal to continue?

In any event please note that I have been posting most e-mail responses
to the Talk:Proposed features/Consulate page at so
the record of our discussion will be preserved.  I have also added some
counterproposals and suggestion modifications to the main proposal page.

Many thanks to one and all again,
Tagging mailing list

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