Totally agreed! Thanks!

Now, do you see anything wrong in an attempt of being "/cross-cultuarlly 
correct/" and, _just as an example_,  tag a feature as:



That, I think, would have value added for both "/an American in Rome/", trying 
to find a place where to buy food, and "/an Italian in Rome/" trying to find a 
proper salumeria...

On 2018-12-06 15:51, Kevin Kenny wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 9:31 AM Sergio Manzi < 
> <>> wrote:
>     That's what I'm often hearing, and not only from you, but have a look at 
> wiki page about the /craft /key [1 
> <>], as in there I can read:
>         "/You are *free *to use *values *that match your needs as a mapper 
> and your local or country environment, culture and *language*. *If *using the 
> English language, please use the singular form, e.g. carpenter not carpenters 
> or carpenter's./"
>     From the above I get:
>      1. A recognition that sometimes English terms are not fit to convey a 
> culture-specific concept.
>      2. I can use terms that are not part of the English language if they are 
> needed to convey such concepts.
> Right. But please don't resort to local-language words for terms that do have 
> a satisfactory UK-English equivalent. Don't use craft=menuiscier in French 
> when 'carpenter' is a serviceable English word. And please wikify your 
> choices.

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