On Saturday 05 January 2019, Markus wrote:
> I'm aware of this. I just wanted to be be sure that i don't introduce
> a tag that overlaps with the definition of another OSM tag – in this
> case natural=cape. But as natural=cape has almost exclusively been
> used for costal extreme points, there doesn't seem to be an overlap,
> even without the requirement of an isthmus.

Yes, de facto use of natural=cape was at least until recently for a very 
narrow set of features.  And it would be good for data quality if that 
would stay this way.  Therefore it is good if there is an alternative 
in the form of natural=peninsula that can be used by mappers who want 
to map something that might be called a 'cape' or some similar term in 
a different language but that is not a natural=cape for OSM.

Accordingly it would be good if the suggestion is not: Use natural=cape 
for capes and natural=peninsula for peninsulas but if there is an 
discerning abstract definition that is language independent.

As written on the wiki natural=cape is essentially:

* seen from water: landmark at the coast to circumnavigate
* seen from land: coastal extreme point on land in a certain direction

What you will probably need to consider is how to distinguish 
natural=peninula from named parts of the coast or named coastal areas 
and if you want to include more specific coastal land forms like spits.

Christoph Hormann

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