Am 07.01.2019 um 16:12 schrieb Bryan Housel:
> ...
> On “both is OK”. the `service:vehicle` issue was because we can’t use the 
> same key `service=*` to contain both things like `tyres` (a few thousands) 
> and `driveway` (a few millions).  Sorry, but the `service=tyres` has to go.  
> A few thousand uses is not “established tagging practice”.  And I doubt that 
> that usage was ever discussed here or proposed either.  If it was, I missed 
> the proposal where someone said “lets put tyres in a tag already used 3 
> million times for something else”.  My “no” vote on such a thing would not 
> have mattered anyway.
> ...

This is not a given, your problem exists just as a consequence of iD
retrieving tag values from taginfo and how iD presets are designed.
Everything else (as in any other editor) definitely doesn't have an
issue with sub-tag keys using the same name as there is more than enough
context to be able to differentiate the different usages. For a new tag
on the other hand we have freedom to as we choose so there is no
specific reason to reuse keys if there is no a good reason to do so.

Generally I think that people are heading of in the completely wrong
direction, while I can understand the desire to be able to document
every single aspect of a shop or other kind of facility, as Stefan has
already pointed out, there are lots of issues with the over name spacing
down to breaking fundamental assumptions about OSM tagging (for example
having capitalized values in keys as in a recent hydrant tagging proposal).

To hypothesize on some of the stuff floating around, obviously there is
a desire to document exactly what kind of stuff a shop sells, so people
have proposed stuff like




a hodgepodge of different ways of tagging and potential for 100s of keys.

But it could be so simple:simply structure the value space.

All of the above could be:


And please no decade old complaints about lists in tags, we have lots of
structured value tags that work just fine, and yes you could even
document that something is -not- sold in a structured fashion.


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