Inconsistent tagging is inconsistent tagging, don't think that is really
relevant for this discussion, inconsistent tagging schemes however are
on topic.

I'm not convinced that we really want to model such a level of detail in
the first place, but using a small set of common keys for facilities
with similar purpose has obvious advantages over a multitude of special
purpose keys that are difficult to discover.


Am 08.01.2019 um 13:55 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
> Am Di., 8. Jan. 2019 um 08:31 Uhr schrieb Simon Poole <
> <>>:
>     To hypothesize on some of the stuff floating around, obviously
>     there is
>     a desire to document exactly what kind of stuff a shop sells, so
>     people
>     have proposed stuff like
>     motorcycle:tyres=yes
>     service:tyres:car=yes
>     service:bicycle:tyres=yes
>     a hodgepodge of different ways of tagging and potential for 100s
>     of keys.
>     But it could be so simple:simply structure the value space.
>     All of the above could be:
>     sells=tyres:motorcycle;tyres:cars;tyres:bicycle;tools:cars
> or sells=motorcycle:tyres;car:tyres
> or sells=car_tyres;motorcycle_tyres
> or sells=tyres:white:motorcycle...
> what makes you believe there will be less hodgepodge when we shift
> more information into the values? Look at your own example, there's a
> standardization issue with plural (cars) vs. singular (motorcycle,
> bicycle). Freeform tagging always will bring us also a lot of variants.
> If we open the sells="long list" box the only thing that will help us
> maintain a minimum of oversight will probably be the 255 char limit.
> On the other hand I can already imagine people inventing abbreviation
> codes to cram more things into the values.
> I am not a CS person, and if the pros agree that overall, value lists
> are better than distinct properties, I will happily accept this, but
> currently I see issues with both. Inconsistent tagging can occur just
> as well in value lists.
> Cheers,
> Martin
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