The wikipedia page is not a list, it is a description of what a TOP is in
Nederland. A wiki page about trailhead tagging is not the right place for
that. I think this is within the scope of the wikipedia key.
It facilitates one-click access to the wikipedia description from a
rendering of the object on a POI map or a search result. If you see
wikipedia as a dictionary, the link does not replace it but gives access to
it. If other trailheads (non-TOP) would be mapped, they would not get this
particular reference.

the website key links to the official website of the operator for a
particular region, not all trailheads. The OSM user will find all extra
information for the TOPs in that region there. I think that is correct use
of the tag. Purpose is the same as with the wikipedia key: quick access.

The url key has according to the wiki no specific purpose or limitation. I
thought this url could come in handy when using these TOPs for bicycle
route planning in Nederland. This site is currently being synchronized with
OSM, for Nederland only.
I think the use of he key is not wrong, but adding a url of one specific
application site for only one of the possible uses of the TOPs is
questionnable. I think I will remove this a soon as I am done with the

Op zo 6 jan. 2019 om 12:15 schreef Tobias Wrede <>:

> Am 03.01.2019 um 00:57 schrieb Peter Elderson:
> About the use of referencing tags. I agree this is not yet the best
> result. Wikipedia links to the dutch page for TOP's (as they are called
> here), I think that is correct. url links to a site which lists all the
> official dutch trailheads. website links to the recreational publishing
> sites of different official operators. Each province has its own operator
> (and trailhead style).  Some of those have a web page for each trailhead,
> others have a simple list, others an interactive map or search function...
> and they reorganise quite often. Permalinks? What? Never heard of...) so we
> don't link deep but refer to a list/search/map/filter page.
> Op wo 2 jan. 2019 om 23:43 schreef Tobias Wrede <>:
>> As a side note: Looking at the examples I found that you added keys like
>> wikipedia=nl:Toeristisch Overstappunt
>> url=
>> website=
>> <>
>> These are all generic references that could be added to the OSM wiki
>> page. On the individual trailheads I would expect a website of the
>> specific trail.
> Would you add to all
> amenity=school in the Netherlands? Or
> wikipiedia=nl:Lijst_van_hogeronderwijsinstellingen_in_Nederland for all
> amenity=university? Or wikipedia=nl:Lijst_van_rivieren_in_Nederland to all
> the rivers? Or even wikipedia=nl:Rivier?
> I think the Wikipedia and website links should be very specific to the
> individual object and not replace a dictionary.
> Tobias
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