On 10/01/19 13:54, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 at 12:43, John Willis <jo...@mac.com <mailto:jo...@mac.com>> wrote:

    I am tracing and repairing existing traces of warehouses in an
    industrial district.

I've recently been doing the same, John.

    if I am mapping this kind of warehouses, which should I:

    - map the whole structure as a warehouse

I've just traced what I can see as the visible roof area &  called it "building", as it's impossible to tell from an overhead image what is enclosed building & what is only a roof over an open area?

If you had street-level imagery that may change things?

As Graeme says - you cannot tell from satellite imagery.

building=yes on the whole lot of it. Maybe add a "note=warehouse? and part building=roof, layer=1"?

    I am going to spend the time cleaning up UltimaSnorlax’s bad
    polygons, I might a well draw them correctly the first time.

Yep! :-)
Or try to get UltimaSnorlax to fix them?

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