On 21/01/19 16:47, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
> “Once you combine the OSM keys and values of landuse=forest and compare it to natural=wood I think most will agree there is a difference,”

I certainly do, but I’m a native speaker of English (though not the British variety).

Many speakers of other languages just search for an English word in an online traslation service and then stick that into the editor to find a tag.

I would hope the OSM wiki would be better than that. It certainly could be a better method for mappers looking for some correct tags.

I recently came across 'sport=paddleboard' (non english speaking palce) and thought of table tennis .. contacted the mapper and no it is ....in my local version of English, a 'rescue board' used by surf life savers to rescue people. Yes they do have completions for it, but no permanent infrastructure here so it does not get mapped. Only one instance in OSM so no wiki page for it.

On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 1:34 PM Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 21/01/19 10:17, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
    > The end to this madness is for renders to recognise that the
    landuse=forest needs to be rendered differently from natural=wood.

    Until several years ago the “standard” style
    (Openstreetmap-Carto) did show a difference between
    landuse=forest and natural=wood. However, mappers used these two
    tags interchangeably even then. The rendering was changed to
    match actually database usage on a global scale, which is that
    both tags are often used to tag any area covered with trees.

    The current rendering follows tag usage and the current wiki
    page, which also discusses this issue in depth.

    I wish it were possible to fix this, but the different meanings
    of “forest” and “wood” in various English dialects make it difficult,

    The meaning of the key 'landuse' is fairly clear in any English

    The problem of the key 'natural' remains.

    Once you combine the OSM keys and values of landuse=forest and
    compare it to natural=wood I think most will agree there is a
    The former is for what the land is used for.
    The latter is for the presence of plants, if you take any plant as
    being natural then natural=wood is 'acceptable' for ant tree area.'

    even before we add other languages and cultures to the mix.
    On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 8:04 AM Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com
    <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        On 21/01/19 05:52, Kevin Kenny wrote:

        > On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 1:33 PM David Marchal
        <pene...@live.fr <mailto:pene...@live.fr>> wrote:
        >> All is in the title: when hiking in a forest (I mean, an
        area considered as a forest by authorities), I often
        encounter other landcovers, like scrubs in recently teared
        down parcels, or scree in the mountains. These area,
        although, clearly and morphologically, not a forest, are
        still mapped as such, as they are considered to be part of
        the forest and are treated this may, but they are
        morphologically not the forest: the forest is the area
        administratively regarded as such, but it is not always the
        case; if I want, for instance, to map them as a scrub area of
        the forest, as the polygons overlapped, they are rendered in
        a mixed way. Is there a recommended way of handling such
        cases without broking display? If so, what are they? The
        landcover tag? boundary=forest_compartment? Another?
        > This again.

        And it will continue to occur!

        And reoccur, again and again.

        > There's a failed consensus here - and you risk reversion
        with either decision.
        > I tend to follow the principle that landuse=* denotes the
        land USE,
        > not the land COVER, so I don't demand that every square
        metre of
        > landuse=forest be covered by trees.


        >   But many do, and the renderer
        > follows their inclination.
        > natural=wood is a possibility to show tree cover - but that
        leads some
        > to argue that it has to be a 'natural' wood - whatever that
        > I've heard it argued that the 'old second growth' forest that's
        > increasingly common near me is still not 'natural' because
        a skilled
        > forester can still find the human impact. (Of course, that
        was true
        > even before the Europeans arrived - there was considerable
        > pre-Columbian human impact on these forests.)

        Those who argue this have no problem abusing the landuse tag,
        so I see no reason why the tag 'natural' cannot be similarly
        The OSMwiki for 'natural' even states that is can be used for
        human effected things.

        > landcover=trees doesn't render, but is at least unambiguous
        that it
        > means tree cover and nothing else.
        > landuse=forestry, for a managed forest, has been proposed
        but received
        > a lukewarm reception.

        For forestry area I tag landuse=forest with produce=trees (or
        what ever is produced by the area for human use). This makes
        it clare that the area is for productive human use.

        > For the state forests and wildlife management areas around
        here, I tag
        > at least boundary=protected_area. (Tag with the right
        > and add leisure=nature_reserve if it fits: 'nature reserve'
        covers a
        > lot of things.) If I'm mapping land cover (I seldom do), I
        will use
        > natural=wood to mean 'tree cover' and let others fight over it.

        I too use natural=wood with landcover=trees to map a tree area.

        The end to this madness is for renders to recognise that the
        landuse=forest needs to be rendered differently from
        The essential difference between the two is that landuse must
        have some human benefit, a produce, and a clear way of doing
        that is to add the rendering of a axe to the tree.


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