On Wed, 23 Jan 2019 at 21:05, Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:

Way back in the thread you wrote:

> >>> OSM does not distinguish between the sizes of other thing other than
> by using the area or a closed way, or dimensional tags.

To which I responded:

>> place=islet vs place=island

And I later responded:

> place=hamlet, place=village, place=town, place=city.
> Those are based on population and services, not on land area

Those aren't based upon population.  If they were, you could just specify
without having to use place=village (or whatever).  According to the wiki,
they're not
based on services either.  According to the wiki, the mapper has to choose
the one
appropriate based upon the population (if known) and I'm guessing most
do their own thing based on place name/local usage/whim/phase of the moon.

Whatever basis a mapper uses to decide whether to tag as hamlet or village,
etc. it is
NOT based upon area and only loosely based (if that) upon a population size
the mapper may not know).

Which kind of refutes what you wrote much earlier (see above, but I'll
paste it here anyway)

>>> OSM does not distinguish between the sizes of other thing other than by
> using the area or a closed way, or dimensional tags.

My point stands.  OSM distinguishes between the sizes of localities (in
order to render them
differently at different zooms) by a means that is not an area or a
dimension.  The choice of
hamlet/village/etc. is supposedly related to population size but only
loosely, especially when
some mappers take the number and type of available services into account as
well as
(or instead of) the population.

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