On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 at 12:09, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 24/01/19 12:50, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
> It’s not possible to have “town” level services with less than 1000
> people. A town has a major market (retail area) serving the surrounding
> area, as well as basic educational, cultural and government facilities.
> That is the usual interpretation (& certainly matches the Western Europe /
US definition) but here is an example of what I'm talking about:

Chillagoe has a population, according to the 2016 census, of 251 people, so
it "should" only be a =hamlet. However, it has a school, police station,
general store, hardware store, post office, 2 pub's, 2 museums, hospital,
bitumen airfield &, as it's a tourist destination in it's own right, about
6 caravan parks / camping grounds!

Dimbulah is ~100k to the east & is a bit bigger, but doesn't have a
hospital, & only an unsealed airstrip.

The next major town west is Normanton, which is ~700k away!

There are another half a dozen other small/er settlements within ~150k of
Chillagoe for which it is "town".

> In your area of the world I agree. You have a 'good' population density.
> In some places the nearest neighbour can be 400 km away. The population
> 'centre' may have much less than 1,000 people in the local residential area
> .. but may service 1,000s of square kilometres.
> Necessity makes this population centre very important for the few people
> living in that area.

Yep! Have just started a discussion on the Australia list concerning this
very point, after taking to somebody who lives in this area, & who made the
comment that OSM is a bit useless, because when you open it, all you see is
a massive blankness :-(

& this, by no means, is an isolated example - Australia would have
literally hundreds of similar towns. I would think the same would probably
apply in places like Canada, Alaska, SW US, South Africa & a number of
other civilised but empty countries?


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