Am Mo., 4. Feb. 2019 um 01:45 Uhr schrieb Christoph Hormann <

> On Monday 04 February 2019, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> >
> > But creating such a page or adding such tags to map features overview
> > pages is misleading when there is basically no or very few usage.
> > These tags should be documented as well, but the right place to do it
> > is in the proposal namespace.
> Disagree here - when you start using a new tag you should document it
> and you should do so on a normal tag/key page so someone looking for
> how to map the same thing will find it and see how it used so far and a
> data user stumbling across the tag will find it as well and know what
> it means.

You will find proposals as well if you search in the wiki, and it will be
much clearer what there status is, because they will be marked as
"proposal" rather than as well established definitions for tags.

> Proposals often cannot be easily found this way, there can
> be multiple contradicting proposals for the same tag, they are not
> indexed by taginfo etc.

I usually would create a redirect from the tag/key page to the proposal, so
data users are satisfied as well.

Having different meanings for the same key/value combination is something
that should be avoided at all costs, but it can happen in theory with
proposals. It can also happen if someone "occupies" the key or value wiki
page for the tag, there could still be contradicting proposals (and people
may already have mapped according to the definitions in these proposals),
so it isn't a guarantee for more consistency to add unestablished tags
directly into the tag definition parts of the wiki.

Proposals are about ideas how something could
> be tagged, not about documenting how something is tagged.

the same is true for tag pages that someone adds adhoc and without
consultation with the other mappers, into the wiki, just that it is not
obvious to someone with less experience in OSM mapping.

> The problem discussed here is different - it is about the creation of a
> complete tagging system on an abstract basis without the descriptions
> and definitions actually deriving from practical use and presenting
> this as if this was an established tagging idea with broad support.
> For this indeed a proposal is a more suitable place.

It doesn't matter if it is a "complete tagging system", or just a single
tag for an isolated use case, if the tags are not established (and their
meaning known from former discussions) and the new definitions are not
discussed with others, it is very likely that there will be issues.

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