On 04.02.2019 10:27, Warin wrote:
On 04/02/19 18:51, Frederik Ramm wrote:


On 04.02.19 00:07, Christoph Hormann wrote:
Just to avoid misunderstandings - it is in principle completely all
right to invent tags and document them on tag/key pages without
creating a proposal.
* invent keys - ok

* document widely used/established keys that never went through a
proposal process - ok

* invent keys and document them as if they were widely used or
established - questionable

I have documented some tags that have little use.

There is usually a link to taginfo to give the amount of use.

And there is a status value.
If I am making a new page/tag I leave this blank - little use and not approved.

Far better to document it than to leave open the question what is meant by a new tag such as 'man_made=clearcut' or 'landuse=logging'.

Somewhere (I don't know where it was) I read that a new tag has to be used about 100 times before it can be documented on an a new wiki page in the key/tag namespace. Otherwise you can create a proposal page and link to it from other pages. I think this rule makes some sense because it makes it easier for beginners and for users who do not have the time to read everything on the wiki to quickly find what is save to use and distinguish it from what is just the opinion of a single user. A beginner will not know that the taginfo information may be more important than a nice looking wiki page. If we allow that everyone can create a new wiki page in the key/tag namespace for a tag that is used only twice and list this tag on the *main* features page the will become next to useless for the occasional user.

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