2019-02-09 15:23 skrev Tom Pfeifer:

If a renderer wants to cluster any trees that can be done algorithmically.

As someone who tries to render smallish-scale (typcally 1:25000 or 1:50000) maps from OSM data, I am always slightly annoyed when someone states that something does not need to be mapped bacuse it can be inferred algorithmically from other data, without describing or at least giving a reference to such an algorithm.

Tree rows -- real tree rows, i.e. a row of trees planted on purpose to function as a landscaping feature, not just some random trees which happen to be in a line -- are important landmarks and often show on maps as rows of green dots. However, the individual trees are typically too close to be shown at their real positions, so some generalization is required. Tagging the tree row provides such a generalization. I have no doubt that it is theoretically possible to synthesize tree-row objects from mapped trees, but I would guess that doing so with an acceptable number of false positives and negatives is close to a masters-thesis project.

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