2019-02-11, pr, 16:26 Ture Pålsson rašė:
> That possiblity already exists, as tree_lined=*. However, I believe tree
> rows sometimes appear on their own. For example, the tree row in this
> picture (which was in the side bar of the Wiki for natural=tree_row)
> looks like it is not lining anything in particular:

  But this is OSM wiki. What about "traditional" cartography? I
couldn't find "separate" tree row in topographic maps (last 150 years)
of Lithuania, but this could be because such feature is not popular on
the ground here.
  On the other hand, tree rows alongside roads/railroads/canals could
be mapped with attribute and separate ones with natural=tree_row
  Individual trees would be very hard to use for such purpose - so
useless anyway.

> Byt yes, using tree_lined=* when appropriate certainly makes my life as
> a renderer developer easier, though I guess it is harder to combine with
> also mapping individual trees. :)

  You will probably skip trees on 25k or 50k? :-)

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