Key:landcoverTags: landcover=trees & landcover=grassUsage: The landcover
key is used to describe what covers the land. Currently, the most used
values are trees and grass. What is tagged: A landcover tag is used to map
a physical area of (currently) grass or trees in two cases:

   1. when the human use of the land is not known, e.g. an area of grass
   not visibly dedicated to any purpose, or
   2. when landcover differs from the implied landcover of the underlying
   landuse, eg a grass clearing within a forest, or patches of trees within an
   industrial, residential or military area.

In this context, “underlying landuse” includes other tags which represent
types of landuse such as leisure=park.

Combination of landuse and landcover: Area features can have both landuse
and landcover tags. The landuse indicates what the land is used for; the
landcover indicates what it is covered with.

Where landuse implies a landcover and the above two use cases are not
applicable or foreseen, adding landcover is redundant.

Fr gr Peter Elderson

Op di 12 mrt. 2019 om 01:02 schreef Peter Elderson <>:

> Organized mapping is ok mapping. Mapping of landcover has been pretty
> decent and sensible overall, not a bunch of fanatics, no data destruction.
> I’ve described current mapping practice for landcover=grass and
> landcover=trees. It covers most of the usage including the Paraguay mapping
> project.
> It’s a movement, not a conspiracy.  It’s growing despite not being
> rendered.
> Mvg Peter Elderson
> > Op 12 mrt. 2019 om 00:19 heeft Christoph Hormann <> het
> volgende geschreven:
> >
> >> On Monday 11 March 2019, Peter Elderson wrote:
> >> Sorry, 2000.
> >
> > IIRC the saying is "two wrongs does not make a right".
> >
> > Original use of tags with the landcover key, that is mappers creating a
> > new geometry with a landcover tag, is as follows (based on data from
> > 2019-02-28):
> >
> > 72848 ways/relations (more of half of these created in organized mapping
> > with tagging not being the free choice of the mapper)
> > 1310 different users
> > 494 of which have used the key exactly once (this, i.e. that about 1/3
> > to half of the genuine active users of a tag have only used it once is
> > pretty standard but still this has to be kept in mind when
> > contemplating such numbers)
> >
> > The reason why taginfo reports only the number of users who have last
> > touched features with this key is not because this is particularly
> > meaningful information but because this can be counted quite easily
> > when processing a planet file (which is what taginfo does on a daily
> > basis) while numbers on active users (i.e. who maps features with a tag
> > or who adds a tag to features) can only be determined from the history.
> >
> > I can highly recommend Frederik's talk on the matter of OSM statistics
> > which discusses this in detail:
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Christoph Hormann
> >
> >
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