Am 02.05.2019 um 23:23 schrieb Yuri Astrakhan:
I don't think we should do asphalt classification -- too difficult for many cases, and very little value, especially in this case because it is not the "type" of asphalt, it is rather a "feature" of asphalt. Multiple features could exist in the same asphalt - e.g. it could have noise-canceling qualities, or it could have under-surface charging, or it could have solar panels integrated into it, or it could have high melting point so it works well under sun.

In other words, I think it should be a yes flag, something likeĀ  noise_reducing_surface=yes

I would question to use any qualification at all. Whatever is now called a quiet/whispering/noise reducing asphalt will have become a standard in a couple of years and then a new type even more noise reducing will have been invented. Will we then have noise_reducing_surface=no|little|yes|yes_yes|definitely_yes?

If someone cannot resist I would second Yuri's suggestion.


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