On github, Christoph mentioned that some of these features tagged
barrier=embankment may be types of earthen fortifications, as found in
Europe, eg earthen ramparts, earthworks or earth banks.

> "Double/symmetric embankment not connected to some other primary feature like 
> a road... something we in German call a 'Wall' "

It could be translated "rampart" - "a large wall built round a town,
castle, etc. to protect it"?
Or "earthwork": "a raised area of earth made, especially in the past,
for defence against enemy attack"

This is in use 200 times as barrier=earthworks

or historic=earthworks - 196 times

or perhaps barrier=earth_bank - 184 times

There are a few uses of barrier=rampart and military=rampart.

Perhaps someone could check on the German language mailing list or forum?

On 5/28/19, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mateusz Konieczny has marked barrier=embankment as deprecated, and I'm
> adding the  "deprecated features" template to the wiki page (which I
> just made last month, for documentation). Most features were imported
> before 2011.
> In contrast, man_made=embankment is well-documented and established,
> with increasing usage:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/File:Embankment-man_made-vs-barrier.png
> (Graph from http://taghistory.raifer.tech)
> Please comment if you disagree with deprecating barrier=embankment or
> have any concerns
> On 4/12/19, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The tag barrier=embankment was not part of the original barriers
>> proposal and does not have a wiki page, but it is used 4750 times:
>> https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/barrier=embankment
>> However, man_made=embankment is well-documented and used over 80,000
>> times: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made=embankment
>> There is also a tag "embankment=yes" that can be applied to linear
>> features like roads, similar to "cutting=yes".
>> And there is barrier=retaining_wall which is documented:
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier=retaining_wall
>> How is this tag being used? Are there any situations where
>> barrier=embankment is better or at least clearly different than
>> man_made=embankment?
>> (Note that this tag is currently rendered by the Openstreetmap-Carto
>> style like a retaining wall or fence, while man_made=embankment has a
>> specific rendering, but this could change)

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