Am 02.06.2019 um 15:41 schrieb Paul Allen:
> On Sun, 2 Jun 2019 at 14:17, Simon Poole <
> <>> wrote:
>     Am 02.06.2019 um 14:40 schrieb Paul Allen:
>>     As I already said, I understand your frustration. 
>     No, obviously you don't.
> Really?  You looked inside my head and determined that I do not
> understand your frustration.
> And here I was thinking that I merely disagreed with your proposed
> solution.  That just goes to
> show how stupid I am, right?
>     There is just no way the community can handle a dozen or more
>     proposals per month in any reasonable fashion,
> That's an interesting assertion.  I'm not convinced the evidence backs
> it up, but I'll assume
> (for the sake of argument) that you're right.  So now what?  We refuse
> to deal with the 13th
> proposal in a month so the proposer invents an ill-conceived tag and
> uses it.  Until and
> unless you can put a mechanism in place that prevents people inventing
> tags and using
> them without discussing them on the list first, this is not a good
> idea.  Hint: I use `12 of my
> 30 posts/month proposing whimsical tags, so that the tag I really want
> to use is not
> subject to discussion so I'm free to use it anyway.

As Frederik has already pointed out, a proposal and the perhaps the
following "stamp of approval" is not necessary for using a tag, some
documentation would be nice but not required. So nothing in my
suggestion limits which tags can be used, it just rate limits the influx
of proposals that actually want attention, so they can actually get it.


>     essentially it is just gaming the system in another way than
>     wikifiddiling.
> It appears you believe people are deliberately making proposals to
> game the system.  I'm
> far from convinced that is the case.  But if you're right about people
> acting in bad faith, I'd
> already thought of two ways people can game your proposal before you
> replied to me, and I
> wasn't even putting any effort into trying to find flaws like that. 
> Your proposal won't stop people
> gaming the system (if anybody actually is gaming the system), it will
> just change the tactics.
> -- 
> Paul
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