Thank you two for the elaborated answers

I agree that currently many mapping practices split sites and devices.
Then the idea should spread as to not get in arguments like the one in the

Nevertheless I have comments regarding Marc examples :
* " bin/shelter/bench=yes on a bus stop for this equipment is present
in the area of the bus stop"
Shouldn't we put a node inside the bus-stop shelter area to materialize the
bin or the bench?
* lit=yes on an highway feature properly indicates kind of "process"
without be redundant with individual street lights lighting the road
This is exactly with I propose for traction substations, mapping process on
sites and devices independently.

Things are better than I thought.
Then, it would be good to amend the 1 feature=1 osm object page with more
clear messages (and examples)
All of this discussion only cover sites mapped as areas. We can start by
stating that a particular device on the ground should get its own object
instead of being moved to enclosing building/site/place ?
This is not possible to distinguish sites from devices at the moment they
are located on a single node.

All the best


Le sam. 8 juin 2019 à 01:06, marc marc <> a écrit :

> Hello,
> Le 07.06.19 à 19:08, François Lacombe a écrit :
> > a need to distinguish sites and devices in our tagging.
> making a difference between a characteristic of a site and the device
> providing that characteristic is already what we do for many objects.
> below are some examples.
> I find it quite logical and useful to inform therefore that a site
> has a feature with another tag than the device of this feature.
> in that sense I find your proposal quite coherent.
> I completely disagree with the idea of a comment on the proposal
> to create nodes at a random position with the equipment to avoid
> the tag for the characteristic. of course,
> it's better to be able to map each device separately, but not
> by inventing their position and number just to need one less tag
> some exemples :
> bin/shelter/bench=yes on a bus stop for this equipment is present
> in the area of the bus stop
> bar=yes on a POI to say that there is a bar in the area of the POI
> lit=yes on a road to say that there are lighting devices nearby.
> tactile_paving on the node of a pedestrian crossing to indicate
> that there is a tactile_paving at the intersection of the pedestrian
> path and the kerb
> toilets and toilets:wheelchair on a POI
> Regards,
> Marc
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