On Sat, 14 Dec 2019 at 21:30, Clifford Snow <cliff...@snowandsnow.us> wrote:
> I would favor adding the name exactly as it appears in a sign, even including 
> punctuation marks if it's in their sign. [...]
> Newspapers have a different reason for changing case and even dropping 
> punctuation marks, readability. OSM is interested in capturing ground truth.

If we enter names exactly as they appear on signs, we would have to
change all place names to all caps in Italy, France and likely in
other countries too. But ground truth would also mean that in one and
the same city, some street names would be in normal case, others in
all caps and some in historical spellings not used anymore.

Regarding business names, in the city i live, approximately 50% of
shop names that aren't acronyms are written in all caps on the signs.
However, i could only find two that write their name in all caps in
running text on their homepage and only one with all caps in its
official business name.

Note also that some logos can't be recorded in text-only, because they
use non-Unicode characters (examples [1] [2] [3]) or because the text
is mirrored, compressed or otherwise graphically altered (examples [4]
[5] [6]).

[1]: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Royal_Dutch_Shell.svg
[2]: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Apple_logo_black.svg
[4]: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Desigual.svg
[5]: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Coop.svg
[6]: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bernmobil_Logo.svg

A logo is a graphical element, not a name.

> For example AT&T. AT&T at one time was an abbreviation for American Telephone 
> & Telegraph but they dropped the full name for AT&T sometime back. It 
> technically isn't an acronym anymore.

Former acronyms are usually still written in all caps. Besides, AT&T
is still pronounced /eɪ tiː ənd tiː/.

> TCBY (The Countries Best Yogurt) is a yogurt shop that is widely recognized 
> in the US. If you wrote Tcyb, I doubt most people would even recognize it. If 
> written out, The Countries Best Yogurt, people probably would recognize it 
> either. See https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2304474733 for an example.

TCBY is an acronym, therefore it should of course be written in all caps.



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