I don't understand why mappers in Zeeland are considered less reliable
than those in South Holland? Isn't all of the Netherlands below sea
level, consisting entirely of polders and dykes? ;-) (Just joking... I
know there are hills some tens of meters above sea level...)

http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/QyU - hedge ways in South Holland (1011)
http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/QyT - hedge closed ways in South Holland
(137) - <14% of ways
http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/QyS - hedge closed ways with area=yes in
South Holland (91)

So in this case there is a 2:1 ratio of those with area=yes vs
without, unlike in Zeeland - but the total numbers for ways and closed
ways are both slightly lower than those for Zeeland (where there are
1179 ways, 146 closed).

I checked The Haag and Rotterdam, since it has been suggested that we
should look at mapping in towns and cities.

There are 3 places with area=yes hedges in Rotterdam. One is here,
where several plantings of bushes(?) spell out "ROTTERDAM" next to a
highway: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/325978680#map=19/51.91438/4.53259
- note that the multipolygon hedges like
https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/4550190 do not have area=yes. I
think it is a stretch to use "barrier=hedge" for a purely ornamental,
low-height planting like this.

The other place with more than one hedge is in this cemetery.

In The Haag the main place was these hedge areas by the Vredespaleis
("Peace Palace"?): eg http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/665101476

But they are tagged area=yes + barrier=hedge, even though they look like this:


Those are short linear hedges, about 1/2 meter wide, around a garden
flower bed. It is not a solid area of hedge, so area=yes is

There are also some thin, 1 to 2 meter wide linear hedges along some
roads to the north of this palace, eg:

The current rendering looks the same as before for these at z16 to
z18, since they are too narrow to see any gap between the lines:

At z19 a small gap between the lines is just visible:
https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/52.10017/4.29383 - So there is
little advantage from mapping this feature as an area for rendering
maps at most zoom levels, though it might make a visible difference at
z20 and higher. Using the `width=` tag would be a reasonable

Overall, even in South Holland it is rare to map hedges as an area
instead of as a linear feature, and there are a number of hedges
mapped as areas which lack area=yes, and some hedges with `area=yes`
that are not actually area features.

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