Some questions... and observations.

On 28/2/20 10:48 am, John Willis via Tagging wrote:
I can’t see why we can’t create a simple tourism=outdoor_event pin at the 
location of the event and list it’s time in something like
event=seasonal/ date / existing time mapping, and could use admin_level for 
scale - and use additional tags ina relation for larger events or micromapping.

Why limited to outdoor only?

we have huge city / regional summer festivals in Japan that are held in the same place on 
the same day every year (some on the same calandar date "august 1-3" or on the 
same “first friday-sunday in August”. It would be easy to map the boundary and location 
of amenities and the extent of closures of the roads for the events, as they haven’t 
changed in decades.

A simple pin might be just fine for small seasonal outdoor events , mapping the 
extended details of the event should be expanded into a relation, such as a 
boarder of the known area (role=boundary), especially since for many outdoor 
events the areas and roads are “normal” most of the year.

Where an area has more than one event? Humm each one could be a separate 
relation with the same members.

normally mapped Ways & areas could be tagged with 
outdoor_event:highway=pedestrian or outdoor_event:amenity=parking (or whatever it 
is during the event) to show their role during the event - yet be mapped normally 
the rest of the time -  and added as regular members of the relation.
this would interfere the least with existing mapping.

I think existing mapping would ignore the tagging completely.

the tag scheme outdoor_event:foo=bar could be used on new pins/ways/areas to 
map any other “permanent” items of the event (stages, pavillions, parking, 
toilets, paths, etc) that are normally not present.

this would keep the “event” pobjects out of the regular map data until the 
event date could trigger the changed rendering if they wanted to support it. If 
renderers ignored that extended data, they could still render the tourism=event 
pin with the name of the event easily (and the boundary as well) - which would 
probably be enough for most events.

Renders will do what they want to do. Tagging should just present the data, 
hopefully in a usable way for both mappers and renders.

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