Hi Paul,

Thank you for your comments.

You may well be right in your analysis.... Recording a fountain out of
order through the app is possible. I already count each fountain/refill
cafe click per fountain in a server side mysql database  (yes, I know osm
numbers are mutable). .

This being said, I do think it makes sense to have a generalize solution...
not everyone will use our app for surveying water fountains globally ...
and I am sure the issue of staleness is universal.

For discussion purposes, it seems there are about 6.6 billion tag instances
in the OpenStreetMap universe.  If we decided to create a last updated meta
data date for the year and month only (reducing to 2 Bytes) for 25% of the
total tag universe, the uncompressed storage usage would be about 3GB or a
3% overhead.  I think this overhead is worth considering.


Best regards,


On Mon, 6 Apr 2020 at 15:11, Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 6 Apr 2020 at 08:33, European Water Project <
> europeanwaterproj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In order to maintain/improve the data quality for our mobile application,
>> I have been thinking about ways we can efficiently verify data for refill
>> points for drinking water at fountains participating refill cafes, bars and
>> other establishments. One idea I had was to create a map with possible
>> stale refill cafes (and rural fountains) for volunteers to verify.
>> Please find attached a draft note for a feature proposal, which I have no
>> idea if is even technically possible, for automatically adding a last
>> verified date/creation date to specific keys.  Maybe there is a better/more
>> efficient way ?
> As others have pointed out, there are downsides to recording this in OSM.
> Others
> have also suggested the use of a parallel database.  And I'd point out the
> additional burden of signing up to OSM/learning how to edit for ordinary
> data consumers who want to flag that some location has stopped providing
> free water.
> The best way to do this would be in your own app.  Allow users to confirm
> they
> were able to get water or that the refill point is defunct.  Record the
> data on your
> app's server against an ID you assign for each location.    Come up with a
> tag
> for use in OSM that can be added to a refill point that gives a URL to
> check
> against your app's server's information, say drinking_water:ewp_id
> (and then wait for everyone to insist we don't have abbreviations in key
> values and that it should be drinking_water:european_water_project_id).
> It's going to need two QA packages.  One to scan OSM for refill points and
> flag those that aren't in your own db.  One to scan your own db for defunct
> refill points and flag to a human that they should be removed from OSM.
> Oh, and it's going to need a db at your end. :)
> --
> Paul
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