Le 06.04.20 à 15:09, Paul Allen a écrit :
> in your own app

so every app 'll have it's own lascheck database ?
so when I do my annual check-up of all the POIs in my comfort zone,
It 'll need going into the different related quality monitoring
applications them to mark that it's up to date so that several of us,
on several applications, can use the work I've done ?

on paper, the argument "do this in your own db" is easy,
it allows not to have to think about the problems of outdated poi
badly detectable in osm

on a community level, it's the worst solution, much worse than adding
an updated date on the small part of the 4 million shops=* that have
been checked this year and that have not changed since f.e. last year,
especially since there is often other information to be added during
the annual audit, and in this case, metadata already got updated (even
if too few tools are able to extract the date of last source=survey
changeset for a poi, but this is another subject)

> say drinking_water:ewp_id

or use https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Permanent_ID
or a wikidata, that's avoid the need for several external database
to add their own id to the same object
and if you still need a ref in osm, please don't use
drinking_water:ewp_id but a key like ref:*

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