
On 06.04.20 17:25, Paul Allen wrote:
> Expecting mappers to wander around checking refill points
> is expecting far too much.  Expecting people looking for refill points
> to tap a "this place still does refills" is expecting far too much.

Only way I would see this working is a "gamification" thing where - a
bit like the "Kort game" of days past
(https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Kort_Game) and a bit like
"StreetComplete" - people who happen to be in a specific location and
who have signed up to the game/system are nudged to go check something -
"hey since you're standing in front of restaurant X, please check if it
still has the property Y". But that would require people to sign up, and
of course a server-side application to track contributions, leaderboards
and so on. Whether or not the back-end storage is then OpenStreetMap or
a separate database is actually a smaller question.

Simply establishing a tag and hoping that you have to develop and run
neither a backend (because OSM will do it) nor a frontend (because
people can use Vespucci) is extremely optimistic.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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