> ... Currently, what we are tagging is the
> hospital. So for example, Manila Hospital (tagged as a hospital) we add the
> tags like disease:hiv=yes. say that it is a treatment facility and it
> dispenses hiv medicine. But what i am having difficulty is that hiv
> facility is treated like a department. You can put in the email address and
> contact details of the hospital but if I add the contact details of the Hiv
> facility it then gets mixed with the hospital details.

Right, that doesn't work. If the HIV clinic or department has
different details, such as a different name, opening_hours, website,
etc, then it will need to be mapped as a separate feature, such as an
amenity=clinic node inside of the amenity=hospital area.

It's common for a big hospital or "medical center" to have many
clinics on the same property or even in the same building. My
residency clinic was in a building inside of Long Beach Medical
Center, which also contained a children's hospital, a nursing home,
labs, radiology, and a number of outpatient clinics in a series of
connected buildings.

Here in Indonesia, a public hospital will have an emergency
department, a surgical building, several buildings for inpatients, a
couple of outpatient clinics, pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, etc.

If you need to add different details for these sorts of features, then
map each as it's own node (or an area, for example if it has a
separate wing or whole building), and tag with amenity= or healthcare=
as appropriate.

> For hiv care - yes it is a bit of all a combination. I can't tagged it as a
> pharmacy as it only releases specific anti-retroviral drugs.

Any facility which dispenses prescription medication is a pharmacy, in
British and American understanding. Most countries regulate these like
a bigger pharmacy.

> Currently We are using this tagging system as assisted by the local OSM
> community in the Philippines.
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/HIV_Facilities_Tagging_(MapBeks)

That's a rather complicated system. A hospital which offers HIV
treatment is supposed to get all of these tags:

"description=DOH HIV Treatment Hub"

This seems overly complicated.

A few tags seem unnecessary or unclear:

"medical_service:outpatient=yes" - almost all hospitals offer
outpatient services.

"health_service:test=yes" - this is quite vague. It would be better to
use healthcare=laborator (as a node at the actual location of the
laboratory) or "hiv_test=yes" if only rapid HIV testing is offered
rather than a complete laboratory.

"health_facility:dispensary=yes" - if there is a pharmacy or a
dispensary, it would be better to tag this as "amenity=pharmacy" at
the actual location. I suppose if there is no pharmacist and it's just
a doctor's office or nurses who give out medications, then a shorter
tag like "dispensing=yes" would be proper to add to the clinic or
office. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:dispensing

"description=DOH HIV Treatment Hub" - it would be better to add this
as a tag, like "hiv_treatment_hub=yes" rather than use description

(I also would not add healthcare=clinic or healthcare=hospital - just
use amenity=hospital or amenity=clinic, no need to add a second tag
with the same meaning.)

-- Joseph Eisenberg

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