May 8, 2020, 18:06 by

> On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 9:06 AM Phake Nick <> wrote:
>> Given the proportion of opposing comment being raised, I would say "more 
>> than what have been discussed", as barely anyone raised the point during the 
>> discussion. The only two remotely relevant mentions about it during the 
>> discussion process was 1. one user who think there should be a new parents 
>> tag that cover both regular taxi and motorcycle taxi, and 2. another who 
>> incorrectly assuned "motorcycle taxi" is a combination of two different 
>> features just because the term come with a space. That clearly indicate 
>> discussion was not sufficient and that the proposal should restart the 
>> discussion process.
> Our 'yes/no' voting on proposals leads to a pathological phenomenon
> that I've seen happen several times.
> Someone wants to map a particular feature, and floats an idea for a
> tag 'A' on the list.
> Several other people counter-propose incompatible tags 'B', 'C', 'D' -
> each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
> None of these tags garners a clear majority of commenters.
> Either the proponent abandons the idea, or else falls back on 'any
> tags you like', or actually bites the bullet and makes a formal
> proposal, calling the vote.
> In the last case, which is already uncommon, the vote fails, because,
> if for instance, 'B' becomes the final proposal, all of the supporters
> of 'A', 'C', 'D' vote against the proposal.
In my case I proceed with vote only in case of a clear support for a proposal.
(man_made=bridge, man_made=carpet_hanger)

I made some proposals where discussion was very useful and helped to
improve page, but I decided to not risk a vote.

No vote at all and de facto tag is better outcome than a failed vote
if you want to tag something with an accepted tag.

Personally I am fine with this idea, I consider review, criticism and 
discussion as
the useful part of a proposal process. And I give little weight to whatever
tag was approved by vote or not.

(that is also why people wanting to deprecate highway=bus_stop or promote
landcover=* tag family will not make a proposal with vote, because it is
very likely that it would be rejected)

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