On Sat, 10 Oct 2020 at 09:35, Dave F <davefoxfa...@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Apologies for breaking the thread, but I was unable to connect to
> Tagging & missed the initial message in my email client.
> I'm the user in disagreement. (Although reading the current
> railway=station wiki page I'm not convinced there's an genuine
> alternative belief).
> I believe most of this discussion is moot as the *vast* majority of
> railway=stations are mapped as nodes:
>       Node    Way     Relation
> IT   2878    400     15
> DE   4388    39      45
> FR   2553    646     14
> JP   9063    5       11
> US   4140    174     8

I don't think that makes the point moot since nodes are just a quick first
pass way to map a station, eventually they should all be upgraded to areas.
The same way you can map a building as a node as a first pass,
a footprint area is always better.

I edited a copy of the diagram (A-simple-station.svg) of a station
> layout, primarily to remove any references to PTv2 tags, a completely
> independent, duplicating tagging schema, irrelevant to anything to do
> with the railway=station tag. I also amended the area indicating what
> roughly constitutes a 'railway station' according to the wiki. This is
> the only page I uploaded the image to. (It's not complete - the creation
> of the PNG image removes the angled text I used)
> It appears that in 2015 a user took it upon himself to wholesale rewrite
> the wiki page, based on discussions in OpenRailwayMap IRC, a small
> clique group that keeps no record of any conclusions. If anyone knows if
> discussions took place on a major, wider reaching forum, please indicate
> them.
> Tagging objects should be based on the understanding of what the general
> consumer of OSM accept it to be, not just a small group of "rail
> enthusiasts" from Germany.

OSM should as much as possible try to remain agnostic towards a specific
audience or use, we should strive to both be accurate and usable for both
train drivers and public transport passengers. This is not just a matter
for rail enthusiasts from Germany.

>  >the railway is from the rail network/infrastructure point of view and
> public
> transit from the passenger point of view.
> This seems to be a common misunderstanding by those advocating PTv2.

I'm not advocating PTv2, for a long time it just seemed like duplication of
tags and a waste but if the ability to separate out the rail infrastructure
from passenger viewpoint can be done with the tagging schema then that's
maybe one advantage.

> Railway=station is the original tag for all stations, including
> passenger. Introducing a disparate schema at a later date, does not
> change the meaning of the original tag.
>  > In practice many are mapped as the same area, but that's usually only
> because unless you're a train operator it can be hard to actually survey
> where the station starts and ends from the train network point of view.
> No, it's because the public area is what most people consider to be a
> 'station'. (& most are mapped as nodes)

Maybe a solution is to keep railway=station and public_transport=station
both defined as the passenger view, but use a new tag for rail
infrastructure so you can still correctly map the station for train
drivers. The downside is that's an extra tagging schema to make things even
more complicated.
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