As Volker said, office=employment_agency is the established tag.

office=government is wrong, since the employees in the job centre do not govern.

The government might be the operator of the job centre, which can be expressed 
in the operator tag,
e.g. operator=Government of Example County


On 10.10.2020 09:21, Volker Schmidt wrote:
If you go to the (admittedly, very short) wiki page for office=employment_agency, you find that the picture illustrating the tag shows a German "jobcenter" of the Agentur fuer Arbeit, which is a government agency. <>
So I think your starting assumption is not reflecting the actual tagging
This means also that your idea of creating a new "government" related tag would be in conflict with the established tagging, at least in Germany


     > On 10/10/2020 00:09, António Madeira via Tagging wrote:
     >> I was searching for a way of tagging a government job centre and I found
     >> there's no suitable way of doing this.
     >> There's office=employment_agency which doesn't seem to fit here, cause
     >> it seems to correspond to private companies who work with this kind of
     >> services.

<> Virus-free. <>


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