On Sun, 11 Oct 2020 at 19:46, António Madeira via Tagging <
tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:

Although an employment centre is not an office that governs, like Tom
> Pfeifer wrote, (nevertheless we could argue they govern/regulate the
> unemployed and the work market)

That depends how you define government.  Is the department that collects/
enforces income tax government or not?  I'd say it is, not just because it
to enforce and not just because without the monies it collects the
could not operate.  If employing civil servants to take money from people is
government then so is employing civil servants to give money to the

> it operates very differently from an employment agency (the difference in
> the name is not incidental)

The day I can claim unemployment benefits from employment agencies
is the day I look very carefully at which of them is going to give me
the most money before I choose to sign up with one.

> and I think that should be stated or even differentiated in the wiki.

I think we got deflected by considering Jobcentres (or whatever they're
called elsewhere) to be employment agencies.  That is only part of
what they do.  Nevertheless, office=government  +
government=employment_agency may be as close as we're going to get
without many weeks of arguments on the list.

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