I think that in this case full blown 
proposal would be waste of time.
Whatever maxstay/time/whatever
keyword is used result should be fine.

We just need to document it
(add to examples list on
conditional restrictions page, maybe
also on fee page and parking page).

I would just wait for whatever anyonehas convincing claim that maxstay is 
problematic and edit wiki in few days.
20 Oct 2020, 22:34 by bra...@kokanovic.org:

> Hi all,
> There are lot of parking lots on amenities (shopping malls...), where parking 
> is free for customers, but only if you park for less than some specified time 
> amount (let's say 2-3h), imposed by that amenity. After that period, you have 
> to pay[1]. It is widespread where I live, but I would suspect this is not 
> limited to my country only. I searched and didn't found any examples on wiki 
> and taginfo. We discussed this on Telegram channel a bit (thanks Mateusz 
> Konieczny for help!) and we brainstormed a bit and seems that most logical 
> way to put this would be with 1) conditional restriction, 2) keyword 
> "maxstay", already in use for timespans. So, something like:
> `fee:conditional=no @ (maxstay < 2h)`
> or
> `fee:conditional=yes @ (maxstay > 2h)`
> (on amenity=parking)
> Question is - how should I pursue this forward, since I never did any 
> proposal before? Do "conditional restrictions" also fall under regular 
> proposal process? I guess yes. Maybe I missed something and this already 
> exists? Mateusz started discussion on 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Conditional_restrictions#Tagging_free.2Fpaid_parking_depending_on_stay_time,
>  maybe we should just wait on comments there first? Is this "too small" to 
> bypass proposal? I guess answer is "never".
> Thanks, Branko
> [1]
> To cover how this works, in case you didn't had joy of experience to use this 
> - you usually press machine to get ticket upon entrance (or human hand it to 
> you) and ramp opens to enter. When you exit, you present ticket to 
> machine/human and lift gate/ramp opens if you stayed for less than specified 
> amount of time. It will not open if time limit (of how long you stayed 
> parked) is reached and in that case, you have to go back and pay first to 
> some specific place.
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