where do you see a problem here? The current situation might not be perfect, but it is usable as it is. The only thing to keep in mind is that the number of "lanes" does not need to match the number of entries in the "XY:lanes" tags.

On the other hand, the "lanes" tag has some real problems, e.g.
lanes = 2
lanes:psv = 1
lanes:hov = 1
Is there any lane for regular traffic or not?

In my opinion the "lanes" tag is just a rough estimate for the width and capacity of a road - all actual numbers have to be read from more detailed tags such as cycleway, busway and all XY:lanes.


On 09.12.20 00:19, Paul Johnson wrote:
I've been saying for a while now that it's time we fix the tagging problems with bicycle and motorcycle lanes by /actually including them as lanes/, because it cleanly handles exactly this kind of situation concisely and cleanly.  They're still lanes, just a reserved kind of lane like a carpool lane or HOV lane.  JOSM already handles this with its lane tagging features beautifully.  Any data consumers that can deal with lane access (which, if they're not, this is /already/ a bug, because HOV and bus lanes are things, too) will be able to handle it without problems.

Or we can just keep trying to pretend bicycle lanes aren't actually lanes and try to figure out how to fix something while simultaneously keeping it permanently broken because the original lanes proposal only considered private motorists.

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