Hi Mateusz, Joseph,

You were right, it was mistakes and it's now fixed. Thank you for you

Le dim. 13 déc. 2020 à 23:17, Volker Schmidt <vosc...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Missing at first glance: what is the mapper expected to do with pumping
> stations.

Hi Volker
Anyone could map man_made=pumping_station only if he/she wants. It's okay.

As you mention, pumps can be added with enough knowledge or public
documentation but it's not mandatory at all.
Goal of proposal isn't to force to map every each pumps but only facilities
that are publicly accessible.
Sometimes, operators could post a tweet showing pumps inside the building
for instance.

Anyway man_made=pumping_station won't be replaced by anything in this
proposal and will be used independently.

All the best

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