Which combination(s) of highway values, sac scale values and hazard values 
would exclusively represent a scramble (Dutch verb: klauteren, i.e. going up or 
down there using hands and feet) to a grown-up, non-challenged, average hiker 
without climbing skills and without special gear other then a cane, hiking 
shoes and gloves?

Peter Elderson

> Op 15 sep. 2022 om 14:07 heeft Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> 
> het volgende geschreven:
> We are having this discussion despite we already have the necessary tags to 
> describe all relevant aspects, only because some map data consumers do not 
> take them into account. And these tag are not only used, they are completely 
> established (sac scale, trail visibility, hazard, etc.). There will always be 
> people acting irresponsibly, people driving their cars into subway entrances 
> because it looked as if it was possible on their satnav. The best map will 
> not prevent this, and they will probably take these paths even if they are 
> not on their map. If some map publishers do not distinguish more difficult 
> paths from simpler ones, and people get into problems because of this, it 
> should be raised with them, in OSM the information is already available.
> Otherwise, where will it stop, are we going to remove places from the map 
> where people are robbed or shot much more often than in others? In the past, 
> people wanted to tag perceived (or actually statiscally proven) dangers in 
> some urban areas in places with big social and economical heterogenity. 
> Cheers,
> Martin
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