Nope, didn't forget about that.

My point was rather that in case the community decides the discussed primary-tag distinction is favourable, it would be the least effort for us is to keep highway=path for the vast majority of ways (12 million) instead of changing them all to highway=easy_path (I don't see any chance this big of a change will find acceptance).

But yes, you're totally right, it will still be a considerable task to re-tag all the 2k via ferratas, 3k climbing routes and ~20k difficult hikes.

Luckily this not quite hundreds of thousands as you feared, but "just" tens of thousands... :-)

On 20/09/2022 20:23, Yves wrote:

Le 20 septembre 2022 19:04:59 GMT+02:00, martianfreeloader 
<> a écrit :

How about this:

- keep highway=path for everything that can be walked by normal people (this 
means we don't need to re-tag millions of ways)
- introduce a new tag highway=demanding path for everything else.

  I think you forgot to mention we would need to re-tag the hundred of thousand 
ways falling into your second bullet. That's normal, we tend to forget how 
easily we manage competing tagging schemes ;-)

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