On 24/11/22 20:37, Nathan Case wrote:
On 24/11/2022 09:07, Warin wrote:
Some ships and boats don't move much... as they are part of museums ...

Something that is part of a museum, and is genuinely permanently secured, seems very different to an emergency response vehicle (which a lifeboat is for all intents and purposes). I'd map planes at an air and space museum but not ones at an airport terminal.

I guess the trouble with lifeboats is that they can be stored on land or they can be kept moored in the water. So it isn't quite as easy as saying "map the building" as sometimes there won't be a building (for the lifeboat, there normally is a building for the crew to change in etc).

Past discussion on burger vans etc lead to the understanding that if something was, for the majority of the time, found at a certain location then OSM should map it.

HMS Belfast in London is mapped as building=ship, for all intents is it permanent (I'd expect it to be seldom away in a dry dock to get hull repairs). I have changed the Darling Harbor ships to reflect the London tagging.

I expect the lifeboats do get more regular use, for things like training at least.

On 24/11/2022 09:00, Jez Nicholson wrote:
When the lifeboat is permanently moored at a particular location it is less transitory than a bus....so people can and do tag them. Not me necessarily, but other mappers.

Being a little pedantic, a lifeboat that is "permanently moored" won't serve much use as a lifeboat. Being less pedantic, mapping the reserved mooring location could work, however, in that case, we should be tagging it as a mooring spot rather than as a lifeboat itself. The mooring location will remain even if the lifeboat is at sea.


On 24/11/2022 09:07, Warin wrote:

On 24/11/22 11:25, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Thu, 24 Nov 2022 at 09:29, Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Why not both?

Because a boat is a mobile feature, that we don't / can't map?

e.g https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?way=349559642#map=19/-27.42815/153.08582 - we don't try to map the last bus in the middle row as #632

Some ships and boats don't move much... as they are part of museums ...

Way: HMAS Onslow (166230547) - mapped as a 'ship' but it is a submarine and they are boats.

Way: HMAS Vampire (166230548)

    "name"="HMAS Vampire"
    "seamark:name"="HMAS Vampire"
    "wikipedia"="en:HMAS Vampire (D11)"

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