On 19/2/23 10:23, Matija Nalis wrote:
On Fri, 17 Feb 2023 21:08:17 +1100, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 17/2/23 12:13, Matija Nalis wrote:
I see few options. If it happens more regularly, map as:

- If it happens more regularly, map as: natural=wetland + intermittent=yes
- if they very rarely (if ever) become waterlogged, mark them whatever they are 
currently (or most of the time).
- see what other similar features in the region use, and copy/paste that.

In one part I have previously tagged one of them, thinking it was a rare
thing I used a square peg in a round hole... but 4,000 of them in one
So, were any of that 4000 tagged in OSM, and if so, how?

I have added the tag landcover=dry_swamp in order to identify them in a searchable way.


Some 4,347 now.

99% of them tagged with 'natural=mud'

OSM describes 'mud' as "wet, water saturated fine grained soil without significant plant growth." As these areas are dry most of the time and have plants.. square pegs in round holes.

Within Australia 'natural=mud' has some 4,550 uses .. deduct 4,330 dry swamps with that tag and it leaves 220 mud areas that are not dry swamps...

state of Australia, with more of them in other parts of Australia and
yet more in other parts of the world I think that means there should be
suitable tags for them not some stop gap tagging.
In OSM, things get mapped when someone care about them.
It is quite possible nobody cared enough about the distiction between "dry 
swamp" and
for example "natural=wetland" + "intemittent=yes" to map that differetly.

If you do care about those for whatever reason (most often people map things
because they already have or at least envision an usecase of using that data),
I'd suggest proposing the solution you would prefer.
Instructions on doing so, if you are interested, can be found here:


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